welcome to the dexandthecity -
halucogene hazardous chemical infested suburbs of
musical matrix with it's freakish mutated inhabitants.
no one knows what was it - the mistake of the administrator, technical error in the system (that of course has errors like any system does), or the divine sign from 'music itself'.. but it happened..
spot in 'reality' appeared, spawning a unseen form of virus, spreading some alien code - deforming 'reality'.
mutation affected everything in the exact region, that once used to be sunny and peaceful place, inhabited by colourful, questionless lifeforms - the possible images of what could 'music itself' be, and ruled by the emperor of the great mainstream empire - the great consumers ear.
...same time the 'music itself,' of course, remained hidden from all and every eye, behind the illusions of matrix, still implicitly showing itself in every of those illusions to the observant eye. ...but that's allready a different story.
population mutated. step by step. by every next generation the shapes became more disturbing, deformed, monstrous and unpleasant for 'consumers ear' wich, was served as god in the citadels of musical matrix.
so they were considered sick and pathological - the unvanted kind in this society, wich itself at same time sank in degradation, coruption and sin, following the dictatorship of great consumers ear.
it was decided, that no scum like those creatures should ever disturb the illusion of perfectness of their society and therefore the region was isolated and named 'underground',
and the inhabitants defined as lower beings - the pathalogy, and cast out of mainstream society.
sadly for them, the scum survived and continued mutating, soon exceeding the specimen of the empire in evolution.
new kind of society was created. with new values and goals. and with no tolerance towards the empire and it's laws.
it was the time for the dictatorship to end...
you are here. this is a fucking war.
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